Management Quota Admission MBA reserved Seats

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Management Quota Admission MBA reserved Seats

Management Quota Admission MBA reserved Seats. Many MBA entrance exams in India offer seat reservation for candidates belonging to various categories. This article contains detailed information about reservation in MBA entrance exams. Find out the Eligibility Criteria, percentage reservation and application for reserved category candidates in MBA exams. Management Quota Admission MBA reserved Seats

Management Quota Admission MBA reserved SeatsContact Ace Guru Education Services or Visit our Websites-  or you can send us email at – Call @ 9742479101 Ankit Mishra, 9742886036 (Anis), 9035556036 Mayur Gautam

Management Quota Admission MBA reserved Seats

Reserved Categories for MBA Entrance Exams

The exact categories of candidates that may be given reservation in MBA entrance exams are different for each exam. It usually depends on the exam-conducting authority and the government regulations put in place by the central as or state government. Some MBA entrance exams conducted by private institutes do not have any criteria for reservation. Management Quota Admission MBA reserved Seats

Some of the categories of candidates that are commonly given reservation in MBA entrance exams include the following

Scheduled Caste (SC)Scheduled Tribe (ST)
Other Backward Classes (OBC)OBC-NCL (Non-Creamy Layer)
Person with Disability (PwD) / Physically Disabled (PD) / Physically Handicapped (PH)Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)
Dependants / Wards of Defence PersonnelMigrants from Jammu & Kashmir
Residents of the state conducting the exam (State-Quota) etc.Reserved Categories for MBA Entrance Exams

How to Apply for Reserved Category Seats in MBA Entrance Exams

Candidates who wish to apply for reserved seats in MBA entrance exams must note the following details.

  • Candidates are provided with the option to select their category while filling up the form for the MBA entrance exams.
  • Various options of categories are provided, depending upon the exam.
    Entrance exams that do not have any reservation may also ask for the category of the candidate. Candidates must confirm the availability of reservation from the examination brochure.
  • Candidates must be careful while choosing the category as the exam may not have the provision of changing it in the future.
  • Candidates will be required to upload a scanned copy or send a photocopy of the valid certificate for their selected category with the application form. The certificate must be issued and attested by the authority concerned.
  • The original certificate proof for the category will be required during counselling and/or admission.
  • Candidates who fail to produce the required documentation will be considered only for General / Unreserved (UR) seats.

Candidates applying for CAT may check the article provided below to know the process to apply for Category Certificates Management Quota Admission MBA reserved Seats

MBA Eligibility Criteria For Reserved Categories

Reserved category candidates may be provided relaxations in the eligibility criteria in certain MBA entrance exams. Given below is the eligibility criteria for reserved category candidates as specified by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

  • Candidate must have a bachelor’s degree course of at least 3 years duration in any stream.
  • Candidate must have received at least 45% aggregate marks in the qualifying bachelor’s degree. This is the minimum specified requirement. Some colleges may specify a higher percentage requirement.
  • Candidates from all streams are eligible to apply.

Reservation Criteria for MBA Entrance Exams

The table below contains the reservation criteria for various MBA entrance exams.

ExamReserved CategoriesPercentage of Seats ReservedCertificates Required
CAT 2023Schedule Caste (SC)15%NC-OBC Certificates SC/ST certificates Certificate for Persons with Disabilities
Schedule Tribe (ST)7.5%
Other Backward Classes: Non- Creamy layer (NC-OBC)27%
Person with disability (PwD)/ Differently Abled (DA) are divided into three categories:

a) Low vision blindness

b) Hearing impairment

c) Loco-motor disability/cerebral palsy
CMAT 2024SC15%Caste Certificate Physical Disabled Scribe Form
OBC – Non-Creamy Layer27%
PwD (in each of the above categories)5% in each category
MAH MBA CET 2024Maharashtra State Candidates85%“Caste Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Social Welfare Department for candidates belonging to SC, VJ/DT (NT(A)), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC and SBC categories “Tribe Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Tribal Department for candidates belonging to ST categories “Non Creamy layer Certificate” issued by Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy Collector of the district in addition to the caste certificate for candidates belonging to VJ/DT (NT(A)), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC and SBC categories
All India Seats (for MS and OMS candidates)15%
Backward Classes (only under Maharashtra State Seats)SC: 13% ST: 7% VJ/DT (NT-A): 3%
(Vimukta Jati / Denotified Tribes Nomadic Tribes) NT-B: 2.5% NT-C: 3.5% NT-D: 2% OBC: 19% TOTAL: 50%
Foreign Nationals / PIO (Persons of Indian Origin)15%
Ward of NRIs5%
Institute-Level Seats20%
Orphan Candidates1%
Minority Seats66% reservation in minority institutes
Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Seats1 seat above sanctioned intake per institute
SNAP 2024SC15%NA
DAC (Differently-Abled Candidates)3%
Wards of Defence Personnel5% (in select courses only)
Kashmiri Migrants2 seats per course
International Candidates15% above the sanctioned intake
IRMASAT 2024SC15%Self-attested latest proof of “Below Poverty Line (BPL)” status that has been issued by the appropriate authority
MAT 2023SC15%NA
PH Category3%
Replaced by CAT exam

Additionally, there are a number of exams which do not offer any reservation based on the category of candidates. Some of these MBA exams are mentioned below.


MBA Entrance Exam Application Fee For Reserved Category Candidates

Given below is the MBA entrance exam fee for the reserved category candidates

ExamApplication Fee for Reserved Categories
CATINR 1,100 for SC/ST /PwD candidates INR 2,200 for General & NC-OBC candidates
CMATINR 1000 for reserved category students INR 2000 for General category students
MAH MBA CETINR 1,000 for General Category Maharashtra State, outside Maharashtra State and J&K Migrant candidates INR 800 for Reserved Category & Physically Handicapped candidates belonging to Maharashtra State
SNAPINR 1,950 for all candidates
IRMASATINR 1,000 for Reserved Category students INR 2,000 for General Category students
MATINR 1,850 for all candidates
ATMAINR 1600 for all candidates 25% concession is provided to women candidates 50% concession is provided to candidates belonging to the seven north-eastern states
XATINR 2,000 for all candidates
MICATINR 2,100 for all candidates
IBSATINR 1,800 for all candidates
NMAT by GMACINR 2,300 for all candidates

Popular MBA Colleges in India

The table below contains some of the colleges in India that are popular for their MBA courses.

CollegeLocationCourse Fee
(in Rs.)
Poddar Group of Institutions (PGI)Jaipur1,80,000 – 5,50,000
Faculty of Management Studies (FMS)Delhi2,00,000
GITAM Deemed UniversityBangalore4,97,000 (1st year fee) and 5,21,800 (2nd year fee)
Management Development Institute (MDI)Gurgaon8,70,000 – 24,70,000
KIIT School of Management (KSOM)Bhubaneswar16,90,000
SRM University Delhi NCRSonepat1,75,000 per year
Lovely Professional University (LPU)Jalandhar2,00,000 per semester
Bangalore Institute of Management Studies (BIMS)Bangalore5,40,000
Amity University ManesarGurgaon8,64,000
The ICFAI UniversityRanchi2,64,000

Candidates aspiring for admission to the MBA colleges in India can take advantage of the student counselling services offered by-

Reservation Criteria for MBA Admissions 

Take a look at the detailed category requirements meant for different MBA exams:

Exam NameCategoriesSeats Reserved in InstitutesCertificates Required
CAT1. Person with disability (PwD)/ Differently Abled (DA) are divided in three categories: a) Low vision blindness b) Hearing impairment c) Loco-motor disability/cerebral palsy 2. Other Backward Classes: Non- Creamy layer (NC-OBC) 3. Schedule Caste (SC) 4. Schedule Tribe (ST)SC: 15% ST: 7.5% NC: OBC- 27% EWS: 10% PwD/DA: 5%1. NC-OBC Certificates 2. SC/ST certificates 3. Certificate for Persons with Disabilities
XATNo reservationNANA
CMAT1. Schedule Caste (SC) 2. Schedule Tribe (ST) 3. Physical Disabled (PD)1. Caste Certificate    2.Physical Disabled Scribe Form
SNAP1. Scheduled Caste (SC) 2. Scheduled Tribes (ST) 3. Differently Abled Category (DAC)  SC: 15% ST: 7.5% DAC: 3% Kashmiri Migrants: 2 seats per programme International Candidates: 1 % –
NMAT by GMACNo reservation –
IIFT Exam1. Schedule Caste (SC) 2. Schedule Tribe (ST) 3. Physical Handicapped (PH) 4. OBC (non-creamy layer)SC: 15% ST: 7.5% NC/OBC: 27% EWS: 10% PwD/DA: 5%Requisite certificate of the caste along with the application form
MATNo reservation –
ATMANo reservation –
IBSATNo reservation –
MICATNo reservation –
MAH-CET1. Maharashtra candidates 2. All India candidates (for MS and OMS candidates) 3. Jammu & Kashmir Migrant candidates 4. Foreign Nationals/Persons of Indian Origin/Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries candidates 5. Ward of NRI candidates 6. Institute Level Seats 7. Minority candidates*  Maharashtra Seats: 85% All India Seats (for MS and OMS candidates): 15% Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Seats: 1 seat over and above the sanctioned intake capacity in each management institute Foreign Nationals/Persons of Indian Origin/Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries Seats: 15% Ward of NRI Seats: 5% Institute Level Seats: 20% Reservation for EWS Candidate: 10% Reservations for Orphan Candidates: 1% *Reservation for Backward Class Category Candidates (belonging to Maharashtra State): 66% 1. Candidates belonging to SC, VJ/DT (NT(A)), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC and SBC categories should produce “Caste Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Social Welfare Department  2. The Candidate belonging to ST category should submit “Tribe Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Tribal Department  3. Candidates belonging to VJ/DT (NT(A)), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC and SBC categories should produce “Non Creamy layer Certificate” issued by Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy Collector of the district in addition to the caste certificate
IRMASATSchedule Caste (SC) Schedule Tribe (ST) Differently Abled Person (DAP) Below Poverty Line (BPL)  IRMA follows the statutory reservation policy of Government of India. 1. Self-attested latest proof of “Below Poverty Line (BPL)” status issued by the appropriate authority

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