Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission
Is there any Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission, what would be the process, and how much the fee in Management Quota in Christ University?
To know the answers of all these said questions contact Ace Guru us now at 09742479101 (Ankit Mishra), 09742886036 (Anis), 09035556036 (Mayur Gautam), &or you can also visit for more details. Is there is any Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission 2022 Call us to know.
We seem to be living in an era where everyone – from fresh graduates to those with some years of work experience – seems to want to earn an MBA degree! Often, people make this decision without really knowing how an MBA helps or how to get one. Is there is any Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission 2022 ? Call us to know.
Why MBA’ may be one of the shortest questions in the professional world, but it is also one of the most important ones.
For one, you will be making numerous sacrifices on your professional and personal fronts in order to get the MBA tag.
It will be a life-changing experience for you; possibly the second most important decision in your life. (I think you can guess the first one.) Is there is any Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission 2022? Call us to know.
As a Chinese proverb says,
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!”
2 Categories of MBA Aspirants
There are basically two categories of MBA aspirants, especially in the Indian context:
- Those who have just completed their graduation or are in their final year. These people typically take the CAT journey.
- Those who have some years of work experience (typically two to six years) and whose objective is to reach their maximum potential in their professional life. This could entail either Career Progression or a Career Shift. These people typically follow the GMAT route.
2 Common Reasons to Do an MBA
However much you try to be diplomatic and politically correct in your essays, recommendations, and interviews, the truth (that even MBA Admissions Committees are aware of) is that most MBA aspirants want to earn an MBA degree because:
- They want to earn more money
- They hate their current job
However, if these are the only two reasons you wish to do an MBA, you have a very limited and short-term perspective; because after a point, neither of these aspects will mean much to you.
For example, if you are a senior manager at a reputed IT company, and your job involves client interaction, business development, international travel, etc., you need not do an MBA at all as you will already be earning well and will have an envious job profile, too.
However, if you want to enhance your knowledge and perspective, or want a life-changing experience, you may still consider doing an MBA.
- Management Quota MBA Admission – Top Colleges in Bangalore
- Top Colleges MBA Direct Admission @ Management Quota
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Christ University Bangalore
Institute of Management Christ University was established in 1994. The Management program at Institute of Management Christ University (IMCU) is a professional 2- year PG program with the specialization in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource & Lean Operations, and systems. The curriculum designed by IMCU is such that it provides students the best of opportunities and a launching pad for careers. (Is there is any Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission 2022? Call us to know.)
At IMCU, every student goes through a wide spectrum of experiences which include the Organization Structure Study, Outbound Training, Book Review Competition, Summer Internships, Current Affairs & Weekly Presentations and Dissertation. (Is there is any Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission 2022? Call us to know.)
The Kengeri campus of Institute of Management Christ University is yet another glorious addition to the Christ University family. It is located on a 75- acre plot which has a picture perfect natural ambiance complete with a herbal garden as well. (Is there is any Management Quota in Christ University for MBA Admission 2022? Call us to know.)
Programmes at Christ University
Master of Business Administration
(Finance/ Human Resource/ Lean Operations and Systems/ Marketing/ Business Analytics)
MBA (FHWS Germany) + MBA Finance/Marketing/Operations (Christ University)
MBA (Christ University) + MS (Virginia Commonwealth University), USA
MBA (Christ University) + MBA (Western Michigan University)
Minimum 50% or above marks in aggregate in the undergraduate examination. (Applicants who are in the final year of their studies should have 50% or above aggregate in all the Semesters/Years of undergraduate examinations conducted so far). Students writing their final degree examinations during March-May 2022 are also eligible to apply.
Minimum Score specified for MAT / CAT / CMAT / XAT / ATMA / GMAT is only an eligibility criterion and the actual score thereof shall have no bearing in the selection process.