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Four steps to schedule Graduate Management Aptitude Test:
Step 1: Gather information:
- The application deadlines for your chosen graduate business programs. Top 10 GMAT Colleges MBA Direct Admission
- Location-specific regulations that may apply to you. Top 10 GMAT Colleges MBA Direct Admission
- Any special scheduling instructions if you have a disability and are receiving any testing accommodations.
- An idea of how long you will need to prepare for the exam. Top 10 GMAT Colleges MBA Direct Admission
- Test centre sites near you.
Step 2: Build your timeline:
- Use the information you gathered in Step 1 to build your timeline.
- Add extra time if you are registering by mail or paying by personal check or money order.
- Add extra time if you are applying for testing accommodations.
Step 3: Schedule and pay for your exam:
- Ways to schedule your exam-
- Online: Create your account
- Postal mail: Complete the form and mail it along with your payment
- Fax: Complete the form and fax it to the number shown Top 10 GMAT Colleges MBA Direct Admission
Step 4: Review your confirmation:
( Top 10 GMAT Colleges MBA Direct Admission )
- Ensure your name listed on the confirmation exactly matches your form of identification.
- Confirm that your G.M.A.T test date and test center are correct
How long should you study for the test?
The time you should spend preparing to take the exam is unique to you. While we don’t know what’s right for you, we do know how much time others spend, on average, to prepare for the exam and their self-reported results. We also know that successful business school candidates gave themselves 3-6 months to prepare. Those who do better on the exam tend to spend more time studying for it. There is no cause-and-effect process at work, however. Studying 90 hours does not guarantee that you will score in the 700 range.
Is G.M.A.T very tough?
There is no doubt about the fact that the G.M.A.T test is rather long. Too long to keep your mind focused and ready to face every challenge hurled your way. So, while your preparation and grey cells are in hyperactive mode, you need to be absolutely aware of the volume of questions within the given time. Every individual possesses a unique way of perceiving to evaluate and analyse a situation. According to that, they take action to play against the odds. Hence, the difficulty level is always different for a different class of people. For appearing for G.M.A.T, it is necessary to ascertain what actually the difficulty you’re facing is. In G.M.A.T test, the first 10 questions are very crucial, since, they are the benchmarks of determining the difficulty level. If you answer 7-8 questions correctly out of the first 10 questions, then definitely it will lay a flowery path to hit the 700+ G.M.A.T score. In fact, in the quant section, it is essential to get the first 10 questions correct due to two reasons (a) it is a bit easier to solve questions and increase your G.M.A.T score. (b) Within a specified time you can attempt a good number of questions.
What is the structure and difficulty level of the G.M.A.T exam?
Test Structure: The test has 4 sections:
- Analytical Writing (30 minutes to write one essay)
- Integrated Reasoning (30 minutes to answer 12 sheets of questions)
- Quantitative (75 minutes to answer 37 questions)
- Verbal (75 minutes to answer 41 questions)
- Two scheduled breaks—Breaks are timed and the next section will start whether or not you’re at the computer. Make sure to be back in your seat on time.
- Total Testing Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
- Total Time at the Test Center: over 4 hours
- The test will always begin with the Writing and then Integrated Reasoning sections. The Quantitative and Verbal section are jumbled and served up randomly.
Question Types: To give you a better idea of what you are up against, let’s go through the question types.
Analytical Writing: One prompt containing an argument
Integrated Reasoning:
- Graphic Interpretation
- Two-Part Analysis
- Table Analysis
- Multi-Source Reasoning
- Quantitative:
- Problem Solving
- Data Sufficiency
- Reading Comprehension
- Critical Reasoning
- Sentence Correction
Test Difficulty:
- When students sit down to take the G.M.A.T, they are presented with a question of medium difficulty—a question that 50% of people answer correctly and 50% of people answer incorrectly. If the student answers correctly, the test gives her a slightly harder question. If the student answer incorrectly, the test gives him a slightly easier questions. This is what is known as a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT). Small note: only the Quantitative and Verbal sections are adaptive.
- It’s hard to say how difficult the G.M.A.T is since it depends on individuals. Each student sees a unique test that no other student will see. So the difficulty of the test shifts and changes person-to-person.
- Some students will never see these extremely difficult questions. Students scoring in the 500 range might have seen a handful of hard questions, but probably was answering questions in the medium difficulty range.