Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions
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Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions. Following the declaration of the SNAP 2024 result, all the 15 Symbiosis International (Deemed) University (SIU) institutes are expected to announce the SNAP cut off 2022 for admission to their MBA programs.

The shortlisting of candidates is done based on their performance in Group Exercise (GE), Written Ability Test (WAT), and Personal Interview (PI). The SNAP 2022 cut off for admission at SIBM Pune is expected to be around 98.5 percentile. Scroll down for more information about SNAP cut-offs including determining factors, institute-wise previous years cut-offs, and expected cut-offs.

Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

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Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

Read more: 

  • SNAP expecting cutoff Score Apply for Direct MBA Admission
  • Expected a low SNAP Score Contact us for Direct MBA
  • SNAP Low Score Symbiosis University Direct MBA Admission 


Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

The decision on cut-offs is taken by each of the SIU constituent institutes independently. The following factors are taken into consideration.

  • The number of candidates who appeared for SNAP 2022
  • The difficulty level
  • The number of seats available in each institute and programs
  • The number of candidates who qualify in the SNAP test as they form the selection pool


Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

Given below is the overall SNAP expected cutoff percentile of SNAP 2022 for admission to the MBA batch of 2022.

Name of the InstituteExpected 2020 cut off (percentile)
SIBM, Pune98.5
SCMHRD, Pune96
SIIB, Pune93
SIBM, Bangalore90
SIOM, Nashik87
SICSR, Pune82
SITM, Pune83
SIMS, Pune77
SCIT, Pune76
SSMC, Bangalore75
SIMC, Pune73
SSBF, Pune60
SIHS, Pune58
SIBM, Hyderabad58
SSSS, Pune55


Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

The table below contains previous years’ (2022) SNAP cut off percentiles (overall) of various SIU institutes.

InstituteSNAP Cut-off (2018)SNAP Cut-off (2017)
SIBM, Pune9698
SCMHRD, Pune9597.13
SIIB, Pune9293
SIBM, Bangalore8890
SIOM, Nashik8587.1
SICSR, Pune8082
SITM, Pune8183
SIMS, Pune7576
SCIT, Pune7475
SSMC, Bangalore7274
SIMC, Pune7072
SSBF, Pune5865
SIHS, Pune5560
SIBM, Hyderabad5560
SSSS, Pune5055


Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

SIU and its constituent institutes start the shortlisting process soon after the declaration of the SNAP result. The shortlisting takes into consideration the SNAP cut off.

The next stage of the selection procedure involves Group Exercise (GE), Written Ability Test (WAT), and Personal Interview (PI). The process is likely to begin in the second week of February 2021 and conclude by the month-end. The Group Exercise (GE), Written Ability Test (WAT), and Personal Interview (PI) schedule are expected to be announced later. Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

The final marks of the candidates depend on their performance in the following parameters.

SNAP Admission ParametersWeightage
SNAP Score out of 150 scaled-down 5050
Group Exercise (GE)10
Personal Interaction (PI)30
Writing Ability Test (WAT)10

Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

Group Exercise:

Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

The Group Exercise (GE) is held in two phases. In the first phase, each group gets a puzzle to be solved in a limited time.

The aim is to assess the capability of the candidates in coordinating and strategist as a team. The key to scoring well in GE is to display leadership qualities and teamwork.

The second phase is the group discussion. Divided into groups, each group of candidates is given different topics for debate.

Five minutes are given to think about the points on the topic after which the floor is thrown open for debate. In this round, candidates will be evaluated for their communication ability, clarity of thought, and ability to convince others.

Personal Interview: Personal Interview (PI) at SIU follows the typical pattern of getting to know the candidate. You will be asked to describe your personal attributes and future plans. Be ready to face questions like ‘Why MBA’? This round is to basically assess your communication and problem-solving skills.

Written Ability Test: In this round, you will be asked to write a short essay on the given topic. In some instances, you may also be asked to watch a video and write about it. Your analytical and interpretive abilities will be tested in this round.

Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

SNAP – Admissions 2022-2024 – Important Dates:

SNAP 2021 Registration CommencesAugust 31, 2021 (Tuesday)
SNAP 2021 Registration ClosesNovember 27, 2021 (Saturday)
Admit Card Live on (www.snaptest.org)December 04, 2021 (Saturday)
SNAP 2021 Test 1December 19, 2021 (Sunday)
1400 hrs to 1500 hrs
SNAP 2021 Test 2January 08, 2022 (Saturday)
1000 hrs to 1100 hrs
SNAP 2021 Test 3January 16, 2022 (Sunday)
1000 hrs to 1100 hrs
SNAP 2021 ResultFebruary 01, 2022 (Tuesday)
Last date to apply for MBA and MBA(I&E) programmes at SIBM PuneDecember 18, 2021 (Saturday) 23:59 hrs
Declaration of GEPIWAT shortlist for MBA and MBA(I&E) programmes at SIBM PuneFebruary 10, 2022 (Thursday)
GEPIWAT Process for MBA and MBA(I&E) programmes at SIBM Pune
(Decision on the mode – Online/Offline will be taken in Jan 2022)
Between February 17, 2022 (Thursday) and February 28, 2022 (Monday)
Declaration of First merit list and first wait list for MBA and MBA(I&E) programmes at SIBM PuneMarch 10, 2022 (Thursday)
Last date for payment of fees for the first merit list for MBA and MBA(I&E) programmes at SIBM PuneMarch 23, 2022 (Wednesday)

FAQs Regarding SNAP Cut Offs

Q: What is the selection criteria through SNAP?

A: Both sectional and overall cut-offs are considered in the selection of candidates for the GE-PI-WAT round. You have to clear the GE-PI-WAT round to be selected for admission.

Q: Will SNAP cut-offs be the same for all students?

A: No, SNAP cut-offs are different for students belonging to various categories. The above-mentioned cut-offs (tables) are for General category students.

Q: In candidate selection, will sectional cut-offs also be considered?

A: Yes, sectional cut-offs will be taken into consideration for the selection of the candidate for GE-PI-WAT.

Q: Even if I do not meet the minimum SNAP cut off criteria, will I still be considered for admission?

A: No. Only those fulfilling the minimum cut off criteria will be considered for admission.

Q: What is the time schedule for the SIU institutes to conduct GE-PI-WAT for 2020 admission?

A: The GE-PI-WAT for 2021 admission will be conducted in February 2021. The dates will be announced by each SIU institute on their official website.

Q: What is a good score in SNAP?

A: An attempt of around 80 questions with 85-90% accuracy is considered a good score in SNAP.

Q: What will be the cut off for SIBM, Pune?

A: The expected SNAP cut off for SIBM, Pune is 98.5 percentile (overall).

Q: How many institutes accept SNAP scores for admission?

A: SNAP score is accepted by 15 SIU institutes and 20 other MBA colleges.

Q: Do I need to clear the sectional cut-off too for an interview call?

A: SNAP does not have a sectional cut off. If you score well in each section, you have a better chance of being selected for GE/PI.

Q: Where can I find SNAP 2020 cut-offs?

A: SNAP 2020 cut-offs are yet to be announced. You will be able to access the cut-offs list online after the declaration of the SNAP 2020 result.

Expected SNAP Cutoff for MBA Direct Admissions

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