MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management

MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management
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As Master In Business Administration is one leading course there are many innovative specialization been introduced and rural management is one of them. It is basically concentration on countrified areas by focusing on betterment of the people and uplifting there standards in the society. As we can see it is mainly focusing on the curriculum which includes backward society, policy, countryside marketing and managing CSR. So if you’re interested in involving for the betterment of the countrified area then the best option is get MBA admission management quota in rural management.

To Get Direct Admission in MBA College Contact Ace Guru Education Services or Visit our Websites-  or you can send us email at – Call @ 9742479101 Ankit Mishra, 9742886036 Anis, 9035556036 Mayur Gautam.

MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management
MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management

As India is called “land of Farmers” we can see that it involves countrified area. There is a much land covered countrified. Basically the considered with improvement of the village pupils and lifestyle like by improving the education system , methods of doing agriculture by using modern methods, helping them to use co-operative banks like gramin-seva bank. The course focus on planning, managing, organizing the micro-finance, institution, small finance banks and organization .Improving the co-operative banks and agri-business, and lively interaction with village people. Basically the concentration for the development of the village sectors can be done as: ( MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management ) And concentrating on generating the income with the development. The popularity of the specialization with a master in business administration degree has gained momentum over the last few years. With the changing socio-economic scenario and government policies on village development, it has been seen that an increasing number of students are opting to work in this field

  • Agriculture: 47%
  • Industries: 25%
  • Services: 28 %

MBA Entrance Exam:

  • MAT
  • CAT
  • CMAT
  • XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test)
  • GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test –Abroad)
  • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test)
  • NMAT (Narsee Monjee Aptitude test)
  • MH-CET (Maharashtra Common Entrance test
  • IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade)
  • ATMA (AIMS Test for Management Admissions)
  • TANCET (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test)
  • AMUCAT (Aligarh Muslim University AMU CAT)
  • AMRITA (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham)
  • BMAT (Bharati Vidyapeeth Management Aptitude Test)
  • FMS (Faculty of management Studies)
  • KIITEE (KIIT Entrance Examination)
  • KMAT (Karnataka Management Aptitude Test)
  • OPENMAT (IGNOU OPENMAT Master In Business Administration Entrance Exam)
  • RMAT (Rajasthan Management Aptitude Test)
  • HPCAT (Himachal Pradesh Combined Aptitude Test)
  • UPSEE (UP State Entrance Examination).

Syllabus for the course (Rural Management):

Semester I ( MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management )

  1. Essentials of Management
  2. Quantitative Methods in Business
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Managerial Economics
  5. Computer Applications & MIS
  6. Rural Society and Institutions
  7. Management of Social Empowerment
  8. Financial & Managerial Accounting

Semester II ( MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management )

  1. Financial Management
  2. Research Methodology
  3. E-Commerce
  4. Indian Financial System
  5. Management of NGOs & Action Research
  6. Rural Development: Concepts, Models and Programs
  7. Management of Sustainable Agriculture
  8. Rural Markets and Marketing Management

Semester III ( MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management )

  1. Business Laws
  2. Environment and Natural Resource Management
  3. Energy Requirement in Agriculture & its Management
  4. Management of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Aquaculture
  5. Watershed Management
  6. Global Business Environment & Rural Management

Semester IV ( MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management )

  1. Organizational Effectiveness & Change
  2. Strategies for Sustainable Rural Development
  3. Industry and Agri-Business
  4. Rural Infrastructure
  5. High Tech Horticulture
  6. Precisions Farming

Skills & Attributes required for the course:

A career in this particular course is all about upliftment of agricultural working and lifestyle through systematic development plans, hence an aspirant for this field should possesses a heart for the issue concerning the community, besides possessing an outgoing, friendly personality, ability to handle masses, ability to handle pressure & leadership skills.

Institute of Rural Management – Anand (IRMA)

The Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), established in 1979 by the father of white revolution Dr. Verghese Kurien, is a pioneering academic institution in rural-management education and research. It is committed to pursuing excellence along with creativity and integrity. The course curriculum provides a wide spectrum of high quality courses with a greater focus on experiential learning. The curriculum comprises four distinct yet mutually supportive segments – classroom, village field work, development internship and managing internship.

Selection process and Entrance Exam:

IRMA would short list candidates on the bases of CAT 2022 and XAT2022 scores.
Both IRMASAT 2022 and GA and PI process will be conducted at IRMA for shortlisted candidates.

For Admissions 2022 IRMA will be giving two types of calls to the prospective candidates:
( MBA Admission Management Quota in Rural Management Profile Based Calls
Non Profile Based Calls

Xavier Institute of Management – Bhubaneswar (XIM-B)

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB) owes its origin to a “social contract” between the Government of Odisha and the Odisha Jesuit Society in 1987.

Eligibility: The minimum requirement for the Program is a three-year Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with at least 55% marks in aggregate from a recognized university.

Entrance Test:
Applicants are required to take any one of the Entrance Tests:

a) XAT to be conducted by XLRI, Jamshedpur
b) CAT to be conducted by IIMs
e) X-GMT to be conducted by Xavier University Bhubaneswar

Rural Management Direct Admission in Welingkar Mumbai

Some of the other colleges:

  • GB Pant Social Science Institute – Allahabad
  • Kalinga School of Rural Management – Bhubaneswar
  • Tata Institute of Social Sciences – Mumbai
  • Xavier Institute of Social Sciences – Ranchi
  • Institute of Rural Research and Development – Gurgaon
  • XIDAS – Jabalpur
  • Amity School of Rural Management – Noida
  • Institute of Rural Management – Jaipur

Recruiting area after doing the course:

  • Insurance Companies
  • Academic Institutions
  • Research & Consultancy Firms
  • Banks
  • Tata Teleservices
  • Finance Institutions
  • ICICI Bank
  • Amul
  • Shriram Group

Job Types of doing the course:

  • Sales/Business Development Manager
  • Rural Development Officer
  • Purchase/Vendor Development Manager
  • Business Development Executive
  • Sales Officer
  • National Sales Development Manager
  • Rural and Agriculture Financing

Read:- Rural Management Direct Admission in Welingkar Mumbai

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