MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges

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MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges. Ace Guru Education Services is a connection between students and institute to the success, our mission is to connect students to institute success and opportunity. Founded in 2004, Ace Guru Education Services is composed of more institute, universities, and other educational organizations.

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Please avail the limited seats in MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges. We have earned our reputation from students, institute entrance offices, and graduate and law institute across the India. Please feel free to solve all your assumptions and queries in

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MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges
MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges

How do N.R.I students apply for M.B.A in India?

( MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges ) Some universities are providing entry for N.R.I’s. Seats are reserved up to 15%. N.R.I’S can get entrance thru GMAT /CAT score.

What exactly N.R.I quota is?

( MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges ) The N.R.I allocation means, Reservation for Non Resident Indians [N.R.I] children of Indian workers in abroad [N.R.I sub-category], Persons of Indian Origin [PIO] and Foreign Nationals [Self-Financed Foreign Students]

The eligibility criteria for N.R.I admissions are: [may be vary]

  • The candidate must be Son or Daughter of an N.R.I / or a foreign national, and / or must have obtained prescribed qualification from a School / institute located abroad, or
  • The candidate must have stayed abroad for at least five years during the preceding eight years from the year of entrance, or ( MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges )
  • The candidate must be citizen of a foreign land holding a valid passport issued by that country.
  • The candidate must have a duly valid Certificate indicating N.R.I / Foreign Student status issued by a competent authority. ( MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges )

Also Read:

N.R.I Provisions regarding Resident and Non-Resident under Income Tax Act and Foreign Exchange Regulation Act- ( MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges ) The residential status of a person is decided under two different Acts, one under Income Tax Act, 1961, ( I.T. Act) and another under Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (FERA). The concept of Non-Resident under FERA is different as compared to that under Income Tax Act. Under Income Tax Act, the residential status of a person is determined on the basis of number of days he stays in India whereas under FERA, it is the intention of a person to be in India or outside India would be an important factor determining his residential status.

Documents required at the time of admittance:-

( MBA Admission through Management NRI Quota in Top Colleges )


  • Copy of Valid Indian Passport of the Student
  • Copy of Visas obtained in the last 12 months
  • Certificate from the local embassy stating that the person is a N.R.I /OCI or PIO Card

N.R.I Sponsored:-

  • Copy of Valid Indian Passport of the Sponsor
  • Copy of Visas obtained in the last 12 months by the Sponsor
  • Certificate from the local embassy stating that the Sponsor is a N.R.I / OCI or PIO Card
  • An affidavit by the sponsor indicating the interest shown in the education affairs of the student and willingness to fund the education of student over the next 5 years.

Have A Question About M.B.A Career Strategy?

  • Do I need an M.B.A to achieve my career goals?
  • Should I or shouldn’t I go into consulting immediately following B-school?
  • What should I be doing with the time between acceptance and the start of my M.B.A program?

If you’re one of Poets Quants’ informed, proactive, and beloved readers, these questions are probably on your mind and, if they aren’t, they should be if you want to make the most of the wonderful but fleeting opportunity to pivot your career in the direction of your dreams.

Worried about Environment and Earth? These M.B.A specializations will help you become an Eco-warrior!

You can fulfil your dream of pursuing a successful managerial career while contributing adequately to create a green future. While you must be pondering that who an M.B.A degree can help you become an environmentalist, let us revel a few M.B.A specializations that will take your dream a long way. These specializations, although are niche, but have bright career prospects because they match the requirement of the industry and M.B.A aspirants graduating from these domains are looked upon with high hopes.

Best 6 Green M.B.A Programmes

Best 10 M.B.A Specializations: Choices and options

When as a M.B.A aspirant, you plan to take entrance in an M.B.A course; there are so many options that it leaves you confused. Be it in the field of human resource mgt, marketing mgt or finance, there is a huge scope in every field that makes decision making even tougher. On the one hand you wish to pursue a specialization that offers a handsome salary, while on the other you consider the scope of jobs in a particular domain before pursuing the specialization. Indeed, this process is not as easy as it seems.

Here are Best 10 M.B.A specializations that will strike the chord of an M.B.A aspirant:-

  • M.B.A in Finance
  • M.B.A in Marketing
  • M.B.A in Human Recourse Management (HRM)
  • M.B.A in International Business (IB)
  • M.B.A in Operation Management
  • M.B.A in Information Technology (IT)
  • M.B.A in Supply Chain Management
  • M.B.A in Rural Management
  • M.B.A in Agri Business Management
  • M.B.A in Health Care Management

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