Management competitive test is very much essential test for management degree courses where students potential are fully judged based on their performance. Hence to take MBA direct admission in top colleges through entrance exams, students should be mentally prepared for these competitive examinations because these tests are most prestigious and national level exam.
To Get Direct Admission in MBA College Contact Ace Guru Education Services or Visit our Websites- or you can send us email at – Call @ 9742479101 Ankit Mishra, 9742886036 Anis, 9035556036 Mayur Gautam.

Value of competitive test:
The basic requirement of B schools in India is usually CAT or GMAT. There are 6 nationalized tests approved by AICTE MBA (GMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA, NMAT, XAT and CMAT). Having one of them mandatory for competitive tests is mandatory for the B school to be AICTE approved. While the CAT, MAT, XAT, IIFT, NMAT, SNAP, etc. are accepted by only the related institution and limited B-schools, GMAT is accepted by a larger range B-schools across India. By taking GMAT a person can also apply to the leading B-schools from around the world. ( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams )
General Structure of the competitive exams:
The management competitive test are designed to test the students’ ability to make tough decisions, aptitude and general awareness. Most examinations are objective type tests and provide the students with four options to choose from. However, a few examinations such as the XAT also have an essay component, which tests the student’s writing ability. The structure of the exam is usually as follows:
- Verbal Ability Component
- Quantitative Aptitude component
- Data Analysis
- Critical reasoning component
- General Awareness and Knowledge Indian/Global
Competitive test procedure for the coming year:
Competitive test are winding up exceptionally mainstream nowadays. In an age where the vast majority of the guardians are giving just two vocation choices to their kids to look over. It is extremely astounding to perceive how well understudies are drawing in to administration. Indeed, even the applicants who have work encounter are likewise inclining towards an administration degree. In the wake of encountering the corporate culture and acknowledging the amount of an issue it is to fill in as a representative, individuals are currently needing to see themselves either as a business person or as an administrator. ( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams )
How to clear competitive exam for management degree?
- To plan to get a management degree from the very beginning then it is preferable to get into a bachelor’s course which has at least one of the business subjects. It becomes an advantage. Although doing bachelors in a business subject is not a compulsion.
- One cannot predict the question pattern in the management competitive tests but the pattern of the marks obtain can surely be guessed. A sum of 60-65 in each of the three sections will surely get in good institutions.
- Only a lot of practice will enable you to identify the question. Once to identify the question type it’ll become easy for you to answer/solve it.
- Don’t consider any type of question unimportant while practicing because doing well in only one section won’t help you clear the cut-offs and won’t get you to good institutes.
- The management competitive test is not looking for your knowledge of any particular subject but it evaluates you on your overall ability. So better pay attention on the basic abilities such as, language, logical reasoning etc.
- It is very important to appear for mock tests. It helps you understand the paper type and enables you realize your weaknesses and strengths so that you can improve.
- Once you’ve started appearing for the mock tests, note down your mistakes and make sure that you don’t repeat them. In order to avoid them practice more.
- Do not plan aimless study sessions. Set a goal before you sit down to prepare. For instance, you’ve decide to study for 3 hours so you should know what you wish to achieve at the end of your session.
- Also don’t forget to time while practicing because with polishing of your abilities time management also needs to be taken care of. ( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams )
To Get Direct Admission in MBA College Contact Ace Guru Education Services or Visit our Websites- or you can send us email at – queries@ace-guru.comCall @ 9742479101 Ankit Mishra, 9742886036 Anis, 9035556036 Mayur Gautam.
How do students prepare for competitive exam while doing full time job?
The student should commence his study preparation once he remits the examination fees. Sometimes the time available for preparation of the examination may be very less and sometimes, the student may be having sufficient time to prepare for the examinations. ( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams ) At present the examinations are conducted in two stages namely; preliminary examination and final examination. Initially the candidates should appear for the preliminary examination and those who score the required cut off marks in the preliminary examination are permitted to appear for final examinations.
( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams ) The candidate has to appear for the following subjects namely – Test of reasoning, Test of English language and Test of quantitative aptitude when it comes to preliminary examination and in the case of final examination, the candidate has to again appear for the following subjects namely – Test of reasoning, Test of English language and Test of quantitative aptitude apart from General awareness with special reference to banking awareness and computer awareness. ( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams )
Management competitive examination proper pattern:
In this competitive world, being well prepared is the key to success. In today’s world no matter which field we belong to, we are required to appear for competitive exams to get selections in universities, for civil services or for any other position in public sector. These exams aim to choose worthy candidates, so here are the practices you should follow to prepare well for competitive exams: ( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams )
Time Management: Time is the most crucial factor in determining your success in competitive exams. Make sure you start your preparations early, so that you have ample time in your hands and there is no panic at the last moment. Divide the entire syllabus into equal parts in order to be able to cover the whole syllabus on time.
Sample Papers and Mock Tests to prepare for competitive exams: Attempting sample papers and previous year question papers helps you to formulate a better strategy for the exam and know your weaknesses. It will give you a better understanding of the pattern of the question paper and make it easier to finish the paper in the given time. The more sample papers you solve, the more confident and prepared you will feel during the competitive exam. Work hard to overcome your weaknesses.
Smart work along with Hard Work: It is true that there is no alternative to hard work when it comes to preparing for competitive exams but smart work is also as important as hard work. You should start with the subjects and the topics that are most difficult and carry the maximum weight age. Take a short 10 minute break now and then if you are finding it difficult to focus for a long period of time.
Do away with distractions: Maintain a balance between your study time and other activities. To prepare for competitive exams set aside a fixed time for your studies. Discipline yourself, do away with distractions. Switch off your phone and sit in a room without TV while studying. Ask the people around you not to disturb you while you are studying.
Do not fall under the pressure: You might be under a lot of pressure to prepare for a competitive exam and do well. Tension and anxiety is not going to help your preparation, instead stay calm and relaxed. Do not study because of pressure from your parents, siblings, and relatives. Stay motivated and do it for yourself. If working hard and study with a right frame of mind, success is sure to come knocking at your door. At the end of the day, even if you do not succeed, understand that it is okay to fail and do not get disheartened. Do a thorough preparation for competitive exams and be confident while giving the exam. Be an efficient time manager while preparing for the exam as well as during the exam. Allot time to each section and try to complete it within the desired time frame. Prepare for the competitive exam with focus and determination. ( MBA Direct Admission in Top Colleges through Entrance Exams )